॥ तेजस्वि नावधीतमस्तु॥

(tējasvi nāvadhītamastu)

May our study be enlightening!


Let’s stretch our arms towards perfection.


To be a leading centre of excellence in education, research and innovation by offering accessible higher education opportunities in several disciplines of knowledge in the Kachchh region and beyond that empower students to be responsible citizens who can realise their full potential, make positive contributions to society and uphold the Indian value system.


  1. To offer cutting-edge courses that explore local resources and opportunities and encourages students for innovation and entrepreneurship
  2. To serve as a catalyst for positive change by addressing complex challenges faced by society through collaborative and interdisciplinary research
  3. To inspire and empower students through transformative education, innovative research, and impactful community engagement, preparing them to become global citizens and leaders of tomorrow
  4. To promote a dynamic learning environment that nurtures critical thinking, creativity, intellectual curiosity, academic excellence, and cultural understanding among the students and faculty
  5. To assimilate and transmit Indian values for character building

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